Friday, July 15, 2011

Daily Burn: Good, Bad and Ideas

Whitings connection

When in custom workouts it takes time to add workouts since you have to click and go in into each indidivual workout

Import and connecting running data from Nike+, Endomondo, RunKeeper, etc
More push notifications Facebook integration

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Culture at Netflix

Check out this SlideShare Presentation....

read it and live it...don't present it ;)

Friday, March 04, 2011

Linkedin: Good, Bad and Ideas (Updated)

As I love to socialize I've always loved social networks, while like everyone in the planet I use Facebook, though after I go on it for a few minutes I feel like I'm wasting my time...Asmallworld is another one I like, unfortunately the UX (user experience) is terrible...

Linkedin is probably my favorite social network as it's the most useful to me:
- I check the background of new industry people I meet
- it helps me to stay in touch with new acquaintances at conferences
- I can see if anyone I know changed jobs
- I always learn something new and relevant from status updates (I wish more would use it)
- Plus every time I use it I discover new cool functionalities...I recently upgraded to premium

Below are my thoughts around the Good, Bad and Ideas to improve Linked:

- Great overall UI, colors and brand
- Basically the list above of why I like it, in one word: productive
- Almost everyone in my industry is on it

- Poor Mobile App iPhone (slow, no notifications to increase active usage, in person does not work, no group support, no job search, overall the app is not engaging
- No presence at major conferences at events (CES, CTIA, MWC) with Mobile Apps (like MWC Heat from Google here is a video to show you that Google is again taking over a smaller but way cooler Silicon Valley startup

- Profile: links you add in the description of your jobs are not clickable Screen Capture 47 IDEAS
- Add notifications on website and mobile app (i.e. when someone comments or likes your post a-la-facebook) to increase active usage
- Partner with someone like CardScan so that right after cards are scanned invites to Linkedin are sent (or prepared) CardScan

- When adding email accounts give the opportunity to easily add only who is already on Linkedin - Partner with someone like Vistaprint so that people can print Linkedin business cards when they are looking for jobs I got this idea after I saw the card of an ex colleague that looked almost like a Linkedin sponsored card. It even had the Linkedin logo! I can provide that if needed

- NO Facebook it by design (avoid mixing private life with work)...or is it because of rivalry between Facebook and Linkedin?